London Green Drinks
Always the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Join our mailing list: GreenDrinks @
Open to all people, and pro free speech!
Green Drinks is a great way to 'network' with people in green industries, learn something new and make friends. Or just for a night's free entertainment.
A wide variety of professionals of different ages, environmentalists, and people coming after work come each month.
The format is:
- Chat to people
- See a short talk from selected speakers
We start at 6:30pm with and provide an opportunity for green drinkers to meet, chat and network in an informal and relaxed manner. They are free to attend and there is no registration process – you can simply turn up. These London Green Drinks have been a regular event since 1989, meaning we’ve got a wide network of attendees with some great experience and stories.
A range of themes throughout the year, and a great variety of people too.
Currently run by Simon Nash, founder of Green Oil UK Limited which makes bicycle lubricants. Green Oil is the Green Drinks sponsor.
A lively social event for green minded people to meet.
We usually talk over a drink and some people order food. People who work for NGOs, green tech and sometimes government attend. You don't have to work in the green world to attend, it's for all people of all backgrounds.
- If you just want to learn more about recycling after years as a 4x4 driver - you are 100% welcome!
A good mix of ages and types of people, at Green Drinks you are certain to meet someone interesting. We usually have a guest speaker for a short talk, with questions after.
Green Drinks: Amazing conversations with friendly people.
Green Drinks London is free, but everyone should order at least 1 drink or bar snack to keep the venue happy.
The Wool Pack Bar
98 Bermondsey Street,
London Bridge,
All people are welcome, we support free speech and expression, and debate and challenging is encouraged.